Procedures Offered:

Breast augmentation is a procedure that is done by placing implants to enhance the appearance of the breasts by making them fuller and create a well-formed contour. Typically, a small incision is created in the inframammary crease under the breast for minimal visibility of scarring.

A breast lift is done to create a contour and lifting of the breasts by removing and tightening the excess skin. Over time, breasts can lose their shape and elasticity due to age, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and breastfeeding. This procedure can be combined with a breast augmentation for a fuller look or a breast reduction for smaller breasts.

A breast reduction removes excess breast fat, tissue, and skin to create a desired breast size. This procedure can also be done to alleviate any pain caused by unusually larger breasts like neck pain, posture, indentations from bra straps, and skin irritations.

A breast reconstruction is usually done after a mastectomy due to breast cancer or other diseases. Breast reconstruction can help create the appearance of desired breasts or similar to the natural breast.

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