Procedures Offered:

A buttock augmentation, or Brazilian Butt Lift, involves the transfer of free fat from desired areas to the buttock to enhance fullness, roundness, projection, and create a proportioned look of the body.

Liposuction can treat the areas of unwanted fat. This procedure slims the areas by removing excess fat and helps with improving body shape and contour.

An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is done to remove excess skin and fat of the abdomen as well as tighten the abdominal muscle. The causes of loose skin of the abdomen includes: aging, pregnancy, and weight fluctuations. This procedure can be done after liposuction for an optimal look. A consultation can help in deciding whether liposuction or a tummy tuck is right for you.

A gynecomastia, or male breast reduction, can improve and flatten the contours of the male chest by removing fat and excess skin of the male breasts.

(Brachioplasty) A Brachioplasty involves the tightening and removing of excess skin of the arms. Fluctuations in weight or aging can cause the skin of the upper arms or droop or sag that can’t be corrected with exercise alone.

A Thigh Lift tightens and reduces the excess skin in the thighs to create a proportioned contour of the lower body.

A body lift tightens and removes the excess skin and fat of the desired areas that involve drooping skin. This procedure is beneficial for an overall contoured and proportioned look and helps with the sagging skin that can’t be corrected with exercise alone.

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